Environmental Politics

March 29, 2021

Reporting on Tropical Forest Carbon

Join the the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication and the Pulitzer Center for Crisis Reporting for a Noon - 1pm ET conversation with three journalists (including SEJ members Daniel Grossman and Dado Galdieri) who have reported on the promise and perils of tropical forest carbon projects.


Line 3: "Need For Disputed Pipeline Argued In Minnesota Appeals Court"

"MINNEAPOLIS — The Minnesota Court of Appeals on Tuesday heard arguments over Enbridge Energy’s Line 3 replacement project in northern Minnesota, which opponents are calling unnecessary due to an eventual decline in the demand for oil.

Source: AP, 03/25/2021

Senate Dems Plan To Use Review Act To Reinstate Obama Methane Rule

"Senate Democrats plan to deploy an obscure but powerful legislative weapon in the coming weeks to try to quickly reinstate a major Obama-era climate change rule that the Trump administration had effectively eliminated."

Source: NYTimes, 03/25/2021

"E.P.A. to Review Attacks on Science Under Trump"

"The Biden administration is taking the unusual step of making a public accounting of the Trump administration’s political interference in science, drawing up a list of dozens of regulatory decisions that may have been warped by political interference in objective research."

Source: NYTimes, 03/25/2021

"Pipe Dream: Feds Sued Over Desert Water Pipeline OK’d by Trump"

"Just before the Trump administration headed out the door, a federal agency this past December cleared the way for a private company to begin pumping groundwater from under the Mojave Trails National Monument in Southern California."

Source: Courthouse News Service, 03/24/2021

"How A New Deal Legacy Is Building Clean Energy In Rural North Carolina"

"The world stands on the cusp of a massive shift from fossil fuels to clean electricity, but many are worried that the transition won't be fair. Already, electric cars and efficient heating technologies are showing up disproportionately in wealthy neighborhoods. The U.S. faced a very similar problem almost a century ago with electricity, the energy revolution of that time. Most cities had been electrified by the 1930s, but many rural areas had not, because private electric companies saw little profit in string wires down lonely country roads."

Source: NPR, 03/24/2021


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