Environmental Health

"Manchin Blocks DOE Nominee Over Gas Stoves"

"Senate Energy and Natural Resources Chair Joe Manchin scrapped a planned vote on a prominent Department of Energy nominee Wednesday morning. The West Virginia Democrat pulled Jeff Marootian, nominee to lead the Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, from a markup agenda because of the agency’s proposed rules on gas stoves."

Source: E&E News, 05/18/2023

"E.P.A. Announces Crackdown on Toxic Coal Ash From Landfills"

"The Biden administration is moving to close a loophole that had exempted hundreds of inactive coal ash landfills from rules designed to prevent heavy metals like mercury and arsenic from seeping into groundwater, the Environmental Protection Agency said Wednesday."

Source: NYTimes, 05/18/2023
May 28, 2024

DEADLINE: Nova Institute for Health’s Media Fellowship

This fellowship for US-based print, broadcast and digital journalists aims to increase public understanding of the complex, intertwined connections between the health of people, places and the planet. Includes stipend of $100,000 over 12 months plus travel expenses. Deadline: May 28, 2024.


Enviro, Oil Companies Battle Ohio Over Dumping of Fracking Wastewater

"Ten years ago, Tim Kettler asked local officials to stop spreading liquid waste from fracking on the road near his home in Warsaw, Ohio, because he was worried that the fluid would contaminate a pond where he gets his drinking water."

Source: Inside Climate News, 05/16/2023


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