Environmental Health

Southwest's Enduring Heat Wave Is Expected To Intensify Over The Weekend

"An expansive heatwave that's been baking the southern United States for nearly two weeks is only expected to intensify as the weekend approaches, forecasters say. Heat advisories and warnings are still in place from Florida to Arizona, impacting more than 111 million people, according to a count from the Associated Press."

Source: NPR, 07/14/2023

EPA Proposes Tighter Limits on Lead Dust in Homes and Child Care Facilities

"The Biden administration on Wednesday proposed to strengthen requirements for the removal of lead-based paint dust in homes and child care facilities built before 1978, an effort to eliminate exposure to lead that could require millions of property owners to pay for abatement."

Source: NYTimes, 07/13/2023
August 24, 2023

AHCJ Rural Health Journalism Workshop

Join the Association of Health Care Journalists in Kansas City for this workshop with the theme "The 5 Most Urgent Conversations About Rural Health." Scholarships are available for Kansas- and Missouri-based journalists that can assist with mileage, registration and one hotel night. Registration closes Aug 11.


Cities Make Made Plans For Extreme Heat. Are They Enough In A Warming World?

"Natural disasters can be dramatic — barreling hurricanes, building-toppling tornadoes — but heat is more deadly. Chicago learned that the hard way in 1995. That July, a weeklong heat wave that hit 106 degrees Fahrenheit (41 degrees Celsius) killed more than 700 people."

Source: AP, 07/12/2023

U.S. Banned Use of Brain-Harming Pesticide on Food -- But Slowed a Global Ban

"Chlorpyrifos is so harmful that America banned its use on food. But a top EPA official made it clear that the U.S. was not ready to support similar protections for the rest of the world under a treaty that restricts pollutants that travel the globe."

Source: ProPublica, 07/11/2023


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