Energy & Fuel

"Climate Activists Disrupt Gulf Oil and Gas Auction in New Orleans"

"More than 300 climate activists swarmed the Louisiana Superdome Wednesday morning to protest a federal auction of oil and gas drilling leases in the Gulf of Mexico. The action was part of the larger "Keep It in the Ground" movement aimed at stopping new fossil fuel production on publicly owned lands and waterways."

Source: InsideClimate News, 03/24/2016

Steam Injection Fractures Caprock in Big Alberta Spill, Regulator Says

"Three years after an eruption of 10,000 barrels of melted bitumen contaminated the boreal forest and groundwater near Cold Lake, Alberta, the provincial energy regulator has now officially blamed hydraulic fracturing, or the pressurized injection of steam into the ground for fracturing nearby rock."

Source: The Tyee, 03/24/2016

"Natural Gas Pipeline Explosions Prompt Stronger Safety Rules"

"U.S. officials moved Thursday to strengthen safety rules for the nation's 300,000-mile network of natural gas transmission pipelines in response to numerous fiery accidents, including a 2010 California explosion that killed eight people and injured more than 50."

Source: AP, 03/23/2016


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