Energy & Fuel

InsideClimate News Wins Scripps Howard Award for Exxon Exposé

An investigative team at InsideClimate News, including SEJ member Lisa Song, won for their series, "Exxon: The Road Not Taken," today (March 8, 2016). The series documented that Exxon's own research confirmed the role of fossil fuels in causing global warming decades ago — although the company's top execs went on to fund denial of climate science and lead efforts to block solutions.


Oklahoma Puts New Limits on Oil and Gas Wells to Fight Quakes

"Facing a six-year barrage of increasingly large earthquakes, Oklahoma regulators are effectively ordering the state’s powerful oil-and-gas industry to substantially cut back the underground disposal of industry wastes that have caused the tremors across the state."

Source: NY Times, 03/08/2016

"Pits Of Drilling Waste Threaten Water, Air Safety, Report Charges"

"Hundreds of open pits containing toxic waste produced by oil and gas drilling are threatening groundwater in California, and regulators have failed to protect drinking and irrigation water supplies from the danger, an environmental watchdog group concludes in a report set to be released Monday."

Source: San Francisco Chronicle, 03/08/2016

"Tribe Says Drilling Project Would Have 'Heartbreaking' Consequences"

"A few miles outside Glacier National Park in northwest Montana is land known as the Badger-Two Medicine, the ancestral home of the Blackfeet tribe. But it's also the site of 18 oil and gas development leases, and an energy company is heading to federal court March 10 to fight for the right to drill there after decades of delay."

Source: NPR, 03/04/2016


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