Energy & Fuel

"DEQ: Duke Needs to Dig Up All Its Coal Ash"

"DEQ says all Duke Energy coal ash waste must be dug up, but wants permission to be more lenient if improvements occur."

"State regulators have raised the risk designations for some of Duke Energy’s coal ash dumps, a move that could require 25 impoundments to be dug up by 2024.

Or not.

The Department of Environmental Quality wants the power to lower risk rankings in 18 months if the utility proves that coal ash is not polluting nearby drinking water and repairs dams at its waste sites."

Source: NC Health News, 05/19/2016

"U.S. Top Court Rejects Exxon Appeal In Groundwater Contamination Case"

"The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday rejected Exxon Mobil Corp's appeal of a $236 million judgment against the oil company in a case brought by the state of New Hampshire over groundwater contamination linked to a gasoline additive."

Source: Reuters, 05/17/2016

"Appeals Court Delays Action On Obama's Carbon Emissions Plan"

"A U.S. appeals court on Monday delayed consideration of a challenge by 27 states to President Barack Obama's federal regulations to curb carbon dioxide emissions mainly from coal-fired plants, meaning a decision will not come until after the November presidential election."

Source: Reuters, 05/17/2016
June 3, 2016

DEADLINE: Media Study Tour for US Journalists: "The Energiewende: Decarbonising Europe’s Industrial Heartland"

The media tour, Jul 3-6, 2016, will visit focal points of the energy transition in Germany, including solar farms, coal mines, factories, citizen cooperatives and energy market start-ups. Open to U.S. journalists with a background in energy, climate and environmental policy. Apply by Jun 3.

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