
Ambitious Saudi Plans To Ramp Up Hajj Face Challenges From Climate Change

"Saudi Arabia has ambitious plans to welcome millions more pilgrims to Islam’s holiest sites. But as climate change heats up an already scorching region, the annual Hajj pilgrimage — much of which takes place outdoors in the desert — could prove even more daunting."

Source: AP, 06/22/2023

Power Companies Spend Millions To Fight Maine’s Proposed Non-Profit Utility

"Residents in Maine are about to be bombarded with a multimillion-dollar public relations campaign aimed at saving the state’s two dominant electric utilities from being voted out of existence in November."

Source: Floodlight, 06/20/2023

Bayer OKs $6.9 Million Settlement With New York Over Roundup Safety Claims

"Bayer AG agreed on Thursday to pay $6.9 million to settle claims by New York Attorney General Letitia James that it misled consumers by advertising Roundup weedkiller, which has been linked to cancer, as environmentally safe."

Source: Reuters, 06/16/2023

UN Paris Meeting Presses Ahead With Binding Plastics Treaty — US Resists

"At a May-June meeting in Paris, the United Nations Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC) agreed to create, and submit by November, a first draft of an international plan to end plastic pollution by 2040. The United States declined to join the 58-nation “High Ambition Coalition” to create a legally-binding cradle-to-grave plan to address plastic production and use."

Source: Mongabay, 06/12/2023

"The Revolving Door At Public Utilities Commissions? It’s Alive And Well"

"If the words “public utilities commission” put you to sleep, you’re not alone. These are the government agencies that regulate utilities — companies that supply us with electricity, gas, water and more. All 50 states have them — and as boring as they sound, their work affects our daily lives."

Source: LA Times, 06/09/2023


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