Climate Change

"The Biden Administration Bets Big on ‘Climate Smart’ Agriculture"

"The U.S. Department of Agriculture has allocated more than $3 billion to help farmers transition to practices that sequester carbon and reduce emissions. But some researchers claim the program can’t measure emissions accurately and is unlikely to achieve its climate goals."

Source: YaleE360, 07/21/2023

"GOP Pushes Disastrous Environmental Plan As The Planet Bakes"

"House Republicans on Wednesday advanced an appropriations bill for federal environmental agencies that would boost development of the same fossil fuels driving the myriad disasters that have ravaged the Northern Hemisphere this year."

Source: HuffPost, 07/21/2023

New Biden Rule Would Make Companies Pay More To Drill On Public Lands

The Interior Department proposed a rule that would significantly increase how much energy companies must pay to lease and drill on federal lands. It would also give the Bureau of Land Management greater authority to keep fossil fuel development away from sensitive ecosystems and cultural sites.

Source: HuffPost, 07/21/2023

"Mountain Valley Pipeline Turns To Supreme Court"

"The Supreme Court may soon step into a legal brawl over whether Congress violated the Constitution when it passed a law ensuring completion of the Mountain Valley pipeline — a fight that could have important implications for the power of the judiciary."

Source: E&E News, 07/18/2023

9th Circuit Denies Bid By Greens And Tribes To Block Nevada Lithium Mine

"The latest bid by conservationists and tribal leaders to block construction of a huge lithium mine already in the works along the Nevada-Oregon line was denied by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on Monday."

Source: AP, 07/18/2023


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