Climate Change

August 2, 2023

SEJ Webinar: Covering Contaminated Sites in Your Community

In this SEJ webinar, investigative journalist Jordan Gass-Pooré provides tips for journalists to report on contaminated sites by incorporating impacted local voices and the knowledge of experts who lay out how future extreme weather events fueled by climate change may threaten to further spread that pollution. 1-2pm ET.


Catastrophic Calif. Flood Plunged Marginalized Farmworkers Into Crisis

"It was half past midnight on March 11 when a cacophony of sirens and shouting jolted Emilio Vasquez and his family from a sound sleep. “Get out of your houses immediately!” a voice barked in Spanish through a bullhorn. “The water is coming!”"

Source: Inside Climate News, 07/24/2023

"The World’s Moving Closer To Deep-Sea Mining. There Are No Rules."

"With a Canadian company preparing a bid to mine the Pacific Ocean for minerals needed for electric vehicle batteries, an international oversight agency is meeting in Jamaica this month to come up with permitting rules."

Source: E&E News, 07/24/2023

Expert Advice Helps Journalists Navigate Unfamiliar Scientific Seas

Journalists who lack a strong science background can find themselves in deep water when reporting environmental stories. How do you avoid over- or understating research findings? What’s the difference between observational and experimental studies? And what about those pesky percentages? Former Washington Post science reporter Rick Weiss and his SciLine colleagues have some answers.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Pitching High and Tight — An Independent Journalist Finds Success

In her early days, freelancer Gloria Dickie aimed high, pitching her dream publication first, as well as offering newsier stories and short features instead of long-form. The formula worked, leading to assignments, a book project and a prestigious staff job. Freelance Files Co-Editor Christine Woodside spoke with Dickie about the lessons of a life as an independent. Plus, a BookShelf review of “Eight Bears” by a fellow bear connoisseur.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Dangerous Inland Flooding in Reporters’ Forecast

While much attention is paid to hurricane flooding along the coasts, recent disasters in the Northeast United States brought home the dangers of flooding inland. The latest TipSheet has the basics, plus more than a dozen story ideas and reporting resources for local journalists to prepare for coverage of inland floods.

SEJ Publication Types: 


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