Scientists, Tribes Team Up To Revive Purebred Bison Population
"Purebred bison – direct descendants of the animals that blanketed North America before colonization – are scant, protected and short on genetic diversity."
"Purebred bison – direct descendants of the animals that blanketed North America before colonization – are scant, protected and short on genetic diversity."
"Priscilla Graves is a hairstylist with 15 years’ experience straightening and coloring black women’s hair. She has endured bouts of dizziness, nausea and difficulty breathing from applying potent chemical straighteners, and regularly deals with distraught clients suffering alopecia and painful blisters after using dyes and lotions specifically marketed to African Americans."
"Sunrise Movement, the influential Green New Deal campaigners, endorsed Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) for president on Thursday, boosting the progressive’s credentials as the 2020 race’s leading candidate on climate change."
"TAOS, N.M. — Twice a day, every day, Vicente Fernandez walks along the banks of the Rio Fernando, inspecting the river that has shaped his valley’s fortunes for generations."
"EPA continues to approve pesticides that have been banned in other countries or identified by its own scientists as possibly causing cancer, a group critical of farm chemicals said."
"The Trump administration’s plan to speed up project reviews for pipelines, mines, highways, and other infrastructure would scale back how agencies consider climate change in the process—running counter to a stack of legal precedent that’s been growing for years."
"On Sept. 15, 2018, at precisely 6:02 a.m., a Delta II rocket lifted off in a cloud of fire and smoke from Vandenberg Air Force Base on the central California coast."
"The Interior Department plans to establish a new 'litigation unit' to consolidate legal challenges over Freedom of Information Act requests, part of the agency's ongoing overhaul of its handling of public records demands."
"WildEarth Guardians and Physicians for Social Responsibility are renewing calls for a federal judge to throw out oil and gas leases issued by the Bureau of Land Management under the Obama administration."
"House Democrats outlined their vision for sweeping climate legislation Wednesday, offering a first look at a bill that would push the U.S. to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2050."