National (U.S.)

Turmoil in World Oil Markets Tips Environmental Scales Too

The dramatic drop in demand for oil, driven by the shutdown of world economies by coronavirus, has meant a corresponding fall in prices. And that has profound environmental implications. But it’s a complicated dynamic to assess. Our Issue Backgrounder provides a look under the hood of Big Oil, and explains what it means for environment reporters. Plus, a Reporter’s Toolbox for tracking the data.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Analysis: "The Trump Administration Is Muzzling Government Scientists"

"Kathryn Foxhall remembers a time when reporters could call up any doctor or researcher at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and ask them questions on the record. A journalist might even get them to open up for a “background” interview, offering candid information on the condition the expert’s name would not be used."

Source: Washington Post, 04/20/2020

"White House Moves To Weaken EPA Rule On Toxic Compounds"

"The Trump White House has intervened to weaken one of the few public health protections pursued by its own administration, a rule to limit the use of a toxic industrial compound in consumer products, according to communications between the White House and Environmental Protection Agency."

Source: AP, 04/20/2020

"Tribes Press Judge To Halt US-Canada Pipeline As Work Starts"

"Native American tribes and environmental groups pressured a federal judge on Thursday to shut down work on the disputed Keystone XL pipeline from Canada to Nebraska, citing fears that workers could spread the coronavirus and construction could damage land."

Source: AP, 04/17/2020


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