National (U.S.)

US To Have Major Floods Daily Unless Sea-Level Rise Is Curbed – Study

"Flooding events that now occur in America once in a lifetime could become a daily occurrence along the vast majority of the US coastline if sea level rise is not curbed, according to a new study that warns the advancing tides will “radically redefine the coastline of the 21st century”.

Source: Guardian, 04/17/2020

"Interior: Ethics Chief Found A 'Bit Of The Wild West' — Transcript"

"Interior Department ethics honcho Scott de la Vega needed to restore order when he took office in April 2018. Entering what he called the "land of Zinke," after the freewheeling then-Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, de la Vega told investigators last year he quickly identified the importance of "dramatically" improving the office meant to steer officials straight."

Source: Greenwire, 04/17/2020

Western U.S. Locked In Grip Of First Human-Caused Megadrought: Study

"A vast region of the western United States, extending from California, Arizona and New Mexico north to Oregon and Idaho, is in the grips of the first climate change-induced megadrought observed in the past 1,200 years, a study shows. The finding means the phenomenon is no longer a threat for millions to worry about in the future, but is already here."

Source: Washington Post, 04/17/2020

"E.P.A. Weakens Controls on Mercury"

"The Trump administration on Thursday  weakened regulations on the release of mercury and other toxic metals from oil and coal-fired power plants, another step toward rolling back health protections in the middle of a pandemic."

Source: NY Times, 04/17/2020


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