Mountain West (CO ID MT NV UT WY)

Wyo. Stands Up For Coal With Threat To Sue States That Refuse To Buy It

"Wyoming is faced by a transition to renewable energy that’s gathering pace across America, but it has now come up with a novel and controversial plan to protect its mining industry – sue other states that refuse to take its coal."

Source: Guardian, 05/10/2021

Report On Suncor Malfunctions Doesn't Quell Calls For Refinery’s Closure

"The problem-plagued Suncor Energy oil refinery’s push to renew its operating permits, and questions about state regulatory oversight, have intensified fears of residents, business owners and elected officials that toxic pollution north of Denver won’t end."

Source: Denver Post, 04/21/2021
September 28, 2021 to October 11, 2021


National Association of Science Writers and Council for the Advancement of Science Writing are transitioning #SciWri21 to a virtual-only event. Financial support for covering registration, caregiving and other costs while participating in the conference remains available.

Topics on the Beat: 
April 7, 2021

DEADLINE: IJNR Virtual Workshop on Wildfire in the West

Join the Institute for Journalism & Natural Resources for a two-day virtual workshop, Apr 22-23, 2021, to address Western wildfire issues and how we need to shift our thinking about fire in order to to live alongside it. Deadline: Apr 7.


Quagga Mussels — Worse Than Zebra Mussels and Maybe Headed Your Way

An invasive species of mussel — no, not zebra mussels, but quagga mussels — are wreaking havoc not just in the Great Lakes, but have now spread through the Mississippi and Colorado basins, as far west as Lake Mead. The latest TipSheet runs down the extent of the problem, how quaggas may be even worse than zebra mussels, and ideas for reporting on your local waterways.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Radio Reporter Takes Listener on Journey in Covering Future of Western U.S.

Perpetual water scarcity issues in the Colorado River basin provide a bounty of stories for public radio journalist Luke Runyon, who shares insights into his beat coverage practices, in the latest Inside Story Q&A. The greatest challenges, surprises and lessons in reporting these critical stories, lauded in SEJ’s awards program, through the medium of sound.

SEJ Publication Types: 
March 22, 2021 to March 26, 2021

Workshop: Fire in the Crown of the Continent

This virtual event, hosted by the Crown Managers Partnership in association with several agencies, organizations, Tribes and the Northern Rockies Fire Science Network, will feature a unique 4-hour session each day.

April 1, 2021

DEADLINE: Green River Field Institute

This journalistic exploration of the Green River’s Desolation Canyon in Utah, Jun 12-18, 2021, will focus on inquiry, truth-telling and resonance in the realm of Western water resources, hosted by SEJ member Heather Hansman (pictured at left), author of "Downriver: Into the Future of Water in the West." Register by Apr 1 or earlier; space is limited.



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