Mountain West (CO ID MT NV UT WY)

"Montana Moves To Limit Wolf Hunts Around Yellowstone National Park"

"Montana wildlife commissioners on Friday moved to shut down gray wolf hunting in a portion of the state around Yellowstone National Park, amid mounting criticism over a record number of the animals shot or trapped after roaming across the park boundary this winter."

Source: AP, 01/31/2022

"National Monument Proposed For Nevada Site Sacred To Tribes"

"A Nevada congresswoman and several elected and tribal officials announced support Friday for national monument designation over a broad area south of Las Vegas they say is biologically diverse and rich with Native American cultural significance."

Source: AP, 01/20/2022

"Hunters Kill 20 Yellowstone Wolves That Roamed Out Of Park"

"Twenty of Yellowstone National Park’s renowned gray wolves roamed from the park and were shot by hunters in recent months — the most killed by hunting in a single season since the predators were reintroduced to the region more than 25 years ago, according to park officials."

Source: AP, 01/10/2022

Grantee Suits Up To Ask If Honeybees Harm Native Species

When Colorado-based freelance journalist Jennifer Oldham suited up in protective gear to investigate if commercial honeybee hives on public lands impact native bee populations, as well as to meet with federal scientists and visit a bee study site, it was a Fund for Environmental Journalism grant that helped her do it. Oldham shares her experience and advice in the latest FEJ StoryLog.

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‘Wild Souls’ Explores Paradox of Managing Species To Save Them

What does wildness mean when humans interfere with the lives of wild animals in order to protect them? A new volume, “Wild Souls,” explores that dilemma, whether arising through captive breeding programs to reintroduce the California condor and the gray wolf, by allowing hybridization or through the use of gene-editing tools. A review from BookShelf contributor Jenny Weeks.

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