
Ads Claiming Products Are Carbon Neutral By Using Offsetting Face UK Ban

"Adverts that claim products are carbon neutral using offsets are to be banned by the UK’s advertising watchdog unless companies can prove they really work, the Guardian can reveal, as Gucci becomes the latest company to struggle with a high-profile environmental commitment based on offsetting."

Source: Guardian, 05/16/2023

"Wind Is Main Source of UK Electricity for First Time"

"Wind turbines have generated more electricity than gas for the first time in the UK.

In the first three months of this year a third of the country's electricity came from wind farms, research from Imperial College London has shown.

National Grid has also confirmed that April saw a record period of solar energy generation.

By 2035 the UK aims for all of its electricity to have net zero emissions."

Esme Stallard reports for BBC News May 12, 2023.

Source: BBC News, 05/16/2023

Why Fox-Dominion Matters for Environmental Journalists

Not only did the huge legal settlement in the Dominion Voting Systems libel suit against Fox Corp. help reinforce media libel protections set out decades ago in New York Times v. Sullivan. It also served as a reminder for environmental journalists that the “actual malice” standard is a bulwark for their own (often negative) reporting on big corporations. WatchDog Opinion explains.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Climate-Hit Wetlands Lay Bare Britain's Biodiversity Struggle"

"As seagulls circled above and tourists watched in confusion, Duncan Holmes steered his boat through thousands of dead fish bobbing at the surface of the River Thurne in east England."

Source: Thomson Reuters Fdn., 05/03/2023


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