
The Fire Next Time: Slave Lake Disaster a Harbinger of Things To Come

"EDMONTON -- On the one year anniversary of the Slave Lake fire, here is a troubling thought. There is a good chance — an ever-increasing chance, as a matter of fact — that it will happen again. Perhaps not to Slave Lake, Alta., but to another community, or communities, nestled in the national tinderbox that is the great boreal forest stretching from British Columbia to Labrador."

Source: Postmedia, 05/15/2012

"Fourteen Arrested Blocking BNSF Coal Train in White Rock"

"Fourteen Canadians were arrested for civil disobedience at 6 p.m. after sitting down on the tracks in front of an oncoming coal train in White Rock. Their vigil began at midnight, but Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) cancelled many of its scheduled runs in anticipation of the protest."

Source: Vancouver Sun, 05/07/2012


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