
March 15, 2018

DEADLINE: Knight-Risser Prize for Western Environmental Journalism

Journalists working for U.S., Canadian or Mexican newspapers, magazine, broadcast organizations (including cable) or online sites accessible to the general public are eligible to apply, as are freelancers. $5,000 prize. Deadline is Mar 15, 2018.

November 26, 2014

SEJ Toronto Pub Night

The SEJ and the Canadian Science Writers' Association are having a pub night in Toronto at 7:30 p.m. on Nov 26th. Join us for a pint and to chat about science and environmental issues from a journalistic point of view. SEJ member Stephen Leahy will talk about his new book, "Your Water Footprint: The Shocking Facts About How Much Water We Use To Make Everyday Products."

Topics on the Beat: 

Reporters, Researchers at AAAS Say Canada Muzzles Climate Scientists

The complaints came out at the Vancouver meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) this month — the main multidisciplinary science conference held yearly on the continent. Also during the meeting, a letter from six journalism and science groups called on Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper to end the muzzling-scientists policy was released.

SEJ Publication Types: 
Topics on the Beat: 

Canadian Climate Scientists 'Muzzled' Writers, Researchers Tell AAAS

"VANCOUVER -- Amid revelations of a well-funded U.S. organisation's plans to deliberately distort climate science, scientists and journalists at a major scientific conference called on the Canadian government to stop its muzzling of scientists. For the past four years, the Canadian government has been denying timely access to government scientists even when their findings are published in leading scientific journals, said scientists and journalists in a special session of the American Academy for the Advancement of Science meeting here in Vancouver, British Columbia."

Source: IPS, 02/22/2012

Annual AAAS Meeting Offers Many Environmental Stories

This year's meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Feb 16-20 in Vancouver, BC, offers dozens of sessions on environmental topics — climate change, mineral resource dependency, water, critique of science journalism, disaster recovery, science integrity in government agencies, and more.

SEJ Publication Types: 
Topics on the Beat: 


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