
History of DDT Ocean Dumping Off L.A. Even Worse Than Expected, EPA Finds

"After an exhaustive historical investigation into the barrels of DDT waste reportedly dumped decades ago near Catalina Island, federal regulators concluded that the toxic pollution in the deep ocean could be far worse — and far more sweeping — than what scientists anticipated."

Source: LA Times, 08/05/2022

"Sinema Agrees to Climate and Tax Deal, Clearing the Way for Votes"

"Senator Kyrsten Sinema, Democrat of Arizona, announced on Thursday evening that she would support moving forward with her party’s climate, tax and health care package, clearing the way for a major piece of President Biden’s domestic agenda to move through the Senate in the coming days."

Source: NYTimes, 08/05/2022

NOAA Data Portal Is a Great Home Port for Environmental Journalists

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration database is as vast as the oceans the agency monitors and filled with information collected by a wide array of instruments operating above, below and on the water’s surface. The latest Reporter’s Toolbox delves into the NOAA Data Discovery Portal and takes a look at a new search tool that promises easier exploration of this treasure trove.

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Long a Climate Straggler, Australia Advances Major Bill to Cut Emissions

"After years of being denounced as a laggard on climate change, Australia shifted course on Thursday, with the Lower House of Parliament passing a bill that commits the government to reducing carbon emissions by at least 43 percent from 2005 levels by 2030, and reaching net zero by 2050."

Source: NYTimes, 08/04/2022


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