
Arizona Tribe And Biologists Rescue The Apache Trout From Near Extinction

"The White Mountain Apache reservation stretches across about 1.24 million acres in eastern Arizona, rising at its highest point to 11,000 feet above sea level. It is the only place in the world where the state fish of Arizona lives in its natural habitat ."

Source: Arizona Republic, 09/30/2022

"Veteran Service Officer: Be Wary Of Camp LeJeune Ads"

"We've all see the ads on television or social media in the last few weeks. If you or your family were stationed in Camp Lejeune between 1953 and 1987, you may have been exposed to drinking water that was heavily contaminated with toxins," one ad reads. "You may be able to qualify for significant compensation for your medical costs or lost loved ones.""

US Strikes Partnership With Pacific Island Leaders At Historic Summit

"The United States said at a summit with Pacific island leaders that it had agreed on a partnership for the future with them and held out the prospect of “big dollar” help to a region where it hopes to stem China’s expanding influence."

Source: Guardian, 09/30/2022

Experts Decry ‘Funny Math’ Of Plastic Industry ‘Advanced Recycling’ Claims

"Environmental experts say there’s a strong possibility that a federal bill will be introduced in the U.S. that seeks to strengthen an industry known as “advanced recycling,” or “chemical recycling.” While proponents of advanced recycling tout it as a solution to the ever-growing plastic pollution issue, critics say that it’s not recycling at all, but a highly polluting incineration process that converts plastic into fuel."

Source: Mongabay, 09/30/2022

"In A First, U.S. Appoints A Diplomat For Plants And Animals"

"As temperatures rise and habitats shrink, hundreds of thousands of plant and animal species around the world are at risk of vanishing. For the first time, the United States is designating a special diplomat to advocate for global biodiversity amid what policymakers here and overseas increasingly recognize as an extinction crisis."

Source: Washington Post, 09/30/2022


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