Green collar jobs are at the heart of President Obama's economic program. Some laid-off blue-collar workers are starting to wonder what those green collar jobs will look like.
"The world's seas are filled with too much garbage and too few fish with flimsy plastic bags and government subsidies bearing much of the blame, activists and trade officials said Monday on the first U.N. World Oceans Day."
"The House global warming bill slated for floor debate this summer is projected to trim the federal budget deficit over the next decade, the Congressional Budget Office states ...."
"Even today the Great Lakes landscape is bouncing back from the glaciers that retreated 10,000 years ago. A key question researchers recently sought to answer is whether that has anything to do with fluctuating lake levels."
"Almost four years after Hurricane Katrina devastated the Gulf Coast, the Federal Emergency Management Agency has failed to clarify the responsibilities of different agencies that would respond to such disasters, according to a recent report by the Government Accountability Office."