
Lobbyists of All Stripes Join Climate Change Fray

A Center for Public Integrity report indicates the number of entities officially lobbying on climate change increased 31% in the second quarter of 2009, and draws some parallels between the lobbyists involved prior to the June 2009 House vote on a climate change bill and the major pre-vote changes that happened to the bill.
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Opinion: Finding Common Ground On Protecting Montana Wilderness

In the Yaak Valley of Montana, environmentalists have been talking to loggers, snowmobilers and other longtime opponents of wilderness protection about the future of public lands. Rick Bass writes of his involvement in a cooperative effort that could lead to the first wilderness-area designation in the state in a quarter-century.
Source: Yale Environment 360, 09/19/2009

"Scientists Uncover New Ocean Threat From Plastics"

"Scientists have identified a new source of chemical pollution released by the huge amounts of plastic rubbish found floating in the oceans of the world. A study has found that as plastics break down in the sea they release potentially toxic substances not found in nature and which could affect the growth and development of marine organisms."
Source: Independent, 08/20/2009


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