EPA Moves for Disclosure of Pesticide "Inert" Ingredients
In a historic step forward, EPA's proposed rule would require disclosure of ALL pesticide ingredients — which has not been required for decades.
In a historic step forward, EPA's proposed rule would require disclosure of ALL pesticide ingredients — which has not been required for decades.
But apparently confidentiality claims will only be rejected in cases where the chemicals have already been disclosed in the Toxic Substances Control Act inventory.
This includes three new datasets from EPA, PLUS many other datasets relevant to environmental issues, released in response to a Dec. 8, 2009, White House open government order.
The Environment Report's series on food and health focuses on the seemingly addictive qualities of sugar, fat, and salt, and the way some advertisers focus on children.
"In the first enforcement of its kind against a public agency, the (Calif.) State Water Board on Tuesday said it has reached a $6.2 million settlement with the city of Long Beach for extensive violations of regulations governing the storage of petroleum and waste oil in underground storage tanks."
"Fewer beekeepers are reporting evidence of a mysterious ailment that had been decimating the U.S. honeybee population."
"Facing a $5 million funding cut, the [Va.] state Department of Environmental Quality last summer scrapped the $365,000 PCB monitoring program."
"Wildlife officials fear the world's only remaining natural flock of endangered whooping cranes could be at risk of another winter die-off."
"CHARLESTON, W.Va. -- Federal investigators began to descend on DuPont Co.'s Belle chemical plant Monday after a worker who was sprayed in the face by the poison gas phosgene died and U.S. Sen. Robert C. Byrd warned of 'a severe breakdown in even the most basic safety protocols.'"
"Kansas' largest electric company has agreed to upgrade pollution controls at its biggest power plant under a legal settlement announced Monday by the utility and federal officials."