"Most-Pesticide-Laden Fruits and Veggies List Under Attack"
A farm lobby coalition has received federal money to attack the Environmental Working Group's list of the most pesticide-laden fruits and vegetables.
A farm lobby coalition has received federal money to attack the Environmental Working Group's list of the most pesticide-laden fruits and vegetables.
"The Chesapeake Bay does not like your lawn. That green grass is probably coated with pesticides and fertilizers and studded with pet poop. All that washes off in the rain and causes environmental problems downstream in the Chesapeake."
"Federal financing of science research, which has risen quickly since the Obama administration came to power, could fall back to pre-Obama levels if the incoming Republican leadership in the House of Representatives follows through on its list of campaign promises."
"President Obama's newfound interest in expanded natural gas drilling yesterday surprised many on all sides of the drilling debate, from environmentalists to drillers and even the coal industry."
"Can the administration fight climate change without stressing climate change?"
"Republican strategist Karl Rove, who helped organize the outside groups that spent millions to install Republicans in the midterm elections, spent election day celebrating with Pennsylvania’s growing drilling industry." He told them "Climate is gone," and not to worry about federal rules on fracking.
"AS more women began clamoring for the latest sensation in hair care, the so-called Brazilian hair-relaxing treatments, the Neil George Salon in Beverly Hills, Calif., added a cabana with open sides and a fabric roof to isolate the process from the salon itself. 'I couldn’t stand the fumes,' said Neil Weisberg, an owner."
Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal (R) demanded -- and won -- $360 million from BP to build sand berms along the Gulf shore to block oil. Since little oil is left on the surface, those berms no longer make sense. This week Jindal finally agreed to redirect most of the $140 million that remains toward coastal restoration.
"A U.S. judge on Thursday asked the Obama administration to clarify whether polar bears are endangered, a listing that ultimately could be used to force polluters to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases."
The upheaval in the House of Representatives will bring new faces to the chairmanships of the key committees relevant to the environment, resources, and energy beat. While a few are undecided, most are already settled. The Senate will see less change.