"Pennsylvania Gas Drillers Dumping Radioactive Waste in New York"
Thanks to money and loopholes, gas drillers can dump radioactive waste from their Pennsylvania operations in a New York landfill.
Thanks to money and loopholes, gas drillers can dump radioactive waste from their Pennsylvania operations in a New York landfill.
"This week an Illinois fish processor is sending 44,000 pounds of Asian carp back to Asia as food. A small startup in Pearl, Ill., the Big River Fish Company is just one group that sees Asian carp not as a voracious, invasive species, but as a business opportunity."
"The cholera epidemic in Haiti is spreading twice as fast as had been estimated and is likely to result in hundreds of thousands of cases in the coming months, the UN says."
"On Wednesday the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission will finalize the blueprint for an interactive electronic database that aims to help consumers shop for safer toys and other products."
"In 2008, [some North Carolina residents] discovered what the state had known for several years: Groundwater near their neighborhood had been contaminated with trichloroethylene, a chemical compound often used as an industrial solvent and suspected to cause cancer."
Following a December 2008 USA Today report on outdoor air pollution at hundreds of schools, EPA began a monitoring process. Final reports for 21 (of the small number of schools selected) have now been released; the results are mixed.
Land owners signed up to protect 272,762 acres, which in one year adds about 12% of the total acreage covered during the 15-year history of the voluntary Wetlands Reserve Program. Funding for the 1,414 contracts totaled $592,562,106.
Terra.com's Green Lips es un blog especializado en medio ambiente, conservación y ecología. A green initiative of Terra.com's, the Spanish-language Green Lips includes video blogging, photo galleries, latest news, and trends on all things green.
"The author of a report critical of climate scientists defended himself against plagiarism charges Tuesday, and denied he was pressured by Republicans to tilt the report."
"Defeat came for Republican Rep. Bob Inglis because he slid to 'Satan's side.'"