
"Japanese Officials on Defensive as Nuclear Alert Level Rises"

"Japanese officials struggled through the day on Tuesday to explain why it had taken them a month to disclose large-scale releases of radioactive material in mid-March at a crippled nuclear power plant, as the government and an electric utility disagreed on the extent of continuing problems there."

Source: NY Times, 04/13/2011

"GOP Wins Deep Cuts in Environment Spending"

"In negotiating the budget deal that averted a government shutdown, Democrats and the White House claimed a big victory in preventing Republicans from blocking a set of environmental regulations. But as details of the compromise became known Tuesday, it was clear Republicans had won deep reductions in spending at the Environmental Protection Agency."

Source: Wall St. Journal, 04/13/2011
April 19, 2011 to April 20, 2011

Ontario Feed-In Tariff Supply Chain Forum

Building and sustaining the local wind and solar industries of Ontario.


"Koch Bros. Influence Felt in NJ as Gov. Weighs Carbon Market Exit"

"New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is re-evaluating the state's participation in a regional carbon trading program and could opt to withdraw within a few weeks. Observers say the move is expected in response to pressure from GOP legislators and campaigns mounted by groups funded by billionaires Charles G. and David H. Koch."

Source: SolveClimate, 04/12/2011

"A Fiber of Hope: Missouri Plant Wants To Make Ethanol in a New Way"

"This country’s battle to curb oil imports is being plotted in high-tech laboratories and elite universities hunting for breakthroughs in alternative fuels. But the frontlines in the effort to bring such fuels to market can be found in places like a working-class neighborhood in this river town, not far from where Pony Express riders saddled up to journey west."

Source: Kansas City Star, 04/12/2011


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