
October 22, 2011

NAHJ Workshop: Video for Print Reporters

The National Association of Hispanic Journalists is convening a Spanish-language workshop in Miami, during SEJ's 21st Annual Conference, for reporters to learn video and audio skills. Open to SEJ conference attendees and NAHJ members only.

Topics on the Beat: 
September 30, 2011

DEADLINE: IJNR Energy Country Institute — NM and CO

IJNR, the Institutes for Journalism & Natural Resources, is inviting applications for its Energy Country Institute, Nov 4-12, 2011. Learn about the people, landscapes and natural resources of the Four Corners region. Santa Fe will serve as the hub city for this journey through parts of southern Colorado and northern New Mexico. Deadline: Sep 30th.

Topics on the Beat: 
October 22, 2011

NAHJ Panel: Galápagos: Challenges for the Evolution of Journalism in the Islands Darwin Made Famous

The National Association of Hispanic Journalists is convening a panel in Miami, during SEJ's 21st Annual Conference, on the Galápagos, a UNESCO World Heritage Site standing at a critical crossroad. This panel of Latino journalists, including residents of the archipelago, will explore the need to create professional and uncensored media outlets and help Galapagueños become better informed about what’s at stake. Open to SEJ conference attendees and NAHJ members only.


Cantor Pressed FEMA on Aid For District As It Struggled For Funding

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor pressed the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to send disaster aid funds to his own district even as he argued on the floor that all other parts of the US should not receive natural disaster aid from the general Treasury without offsets.

Source: Huffington Post, 09/28/2011


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