
May 4, 2020 to May 9, 2020

Santa Fe Science Writing Workshop

The 25th annual Workshop takes place May 4-9, 2020, in Santa Fe, NM, directed by New York Times science writers and authors Sandra Blakeslee and George Johnson. Apply early; there's usually a waiting list. The workshop is usually full by mid April.

Topics on the Beat: 
November 1, 2024

DEADLINE: The Mesa Refuge

Apply for one of nine 2025 two-week residency programs for environmental writers in Point Reyes Station, CA. Open to both experienced and emerging writers who are focused on “ideas at the edge” of nature, social justice and economic equity. Deadline: Nov 1, 2024.

Topics on the Beat: 

Health Fears, Distrust Spur Chinese To Lift Govt Fog on Pollution Data

"BEIJING — Armed with a device that looks like an old transistor radio, some Beijing residents are recording pollution levels and posting them online. It’s an act that borders on subversion. The government keeps secret all data on the fine particles that shroud China’s capital in a health-threatening smog most days. But as they grow more prosperous, Chinese are demanding the right to know what the government does not tell them: just how polluted their city is."

Source: AP, 12/08/2011


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