
January 15, 2025

DEADLINE: Knight Journalism Fellowships at Stanford

U.S. journalists with minimum five years' professional experience will receive nine months of study, intellectual growth and personal change at Stanford University in Northern California. Includes tuition, $125,000 stipend and health insurance. Deadline: Dec 4 for International; Jan 15, 2025 for US applicants.

Topics on the Beat: 

Top GOP Lawmaker Says Pipeline Rules Should Encourage Development

"Soon after horrific natural gas explosions killed five people in Allentown and a utility worker in Philadelphia, a Pennsylvania congressman called a hearing in March to talk about improving pipeline safety. Right away, U.S. Rep. Bill Shuster made one thing clear: He wasn't sure the solution was more federal inspectors, or even a more powerful U.S. pipeline safety agency with tougher regulations."

Source: Philadelphia Inquirer, 12/12/2011

Honeywell, Simplot Plan To Build Plant to Make Safe Fertilizer

"Honeywell and fertilizer maker J.R. Simplot have agreed to build the first commercial facility for Sulf-N 26, a granular fertilizer that is comparable to ammonium nitrate but would be ineffective as a bomb material. Ammonium nitrate combined with fuel oil was used in the bomb that destroyed the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City in 1995."

Source: C&EN, 12/12/2011

"Modesto Residents Concerned Over Soil Laced With Toxic Barium"

"Too much exposure to barium can cause tremors, breathing problems, diarrhea, irregular heartbeats, paralysis and death. Who could blame people for worrying if they live near huge mounds of soil laced with it?
The prospect of dust kicking up from those mounds when crews finally start building a freeway segment on top of them is causing some anxiety in neighborhoods west of downtown Modesto."

Garth Stapley reports for the Modesto Bee December 12, 2011.

Source: Modesto Bee, 12/12/2011

1000s of Sugar Cane Workers Die as Wealthy Nations Stall on Solutions

A mysterious kidney disease is killing hundreds of men yearly in Central America. The men are all sugar cane workers. Dehydration and heat stress from strenuous work are key contributing causes, but researchers suspect that exposure to an unknown toxic substance may be an important triggering factor also.

Sasha Chavkin and Ronnie Greene report for iWatch News (Center for Public Integrity) December 12, 2011.


Source: iWatch News, 12/12/2011

"Brominated Battle: Soda Chemical Has Cloudy Health History"

"Patented as a flame retardant for plastics, and banned in food throughout Europe and Japan, a brominated chemical called BVO has been added to sodas for decades in North America. Now some scientists have a renewed interest in this little-known ingredient, found in 10 percent of sodas in the United States. Research on its toxicity dates back to the 1970s, and some experts now urge a reassessment."

Source: EHN, 12/12/2011

"New Concerns About Hanford Nuclear Waste Plant"

"RICHLAND, Wash. (AP) — The federal government says a one-of-a-kind plant that will convert radioactive waste into a stable and storable substance that resembles glass will cost hundreds of millions of dollars more and may take longer to build, adding to a string of delays and skyrocketing price tag for the project. In addition, several workers at southeast Washington's Hanford nuclear reservation have raised concerns about the safety of the plant's design — and complained they've been retaliated against for voicing their issues."

Source: Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 12/12/2011

"Industry Pours Campaign Cash Into State, Local Races"

"The chairwoman of the Texas Railroad Commission, Elizabeth Ames Jones, gets more campaign contributions from oil and gas than from any other industry. The Railroad Commission doesn't oversee railroads. By accident of history, the elected three-member panel regulates Texas's oil and gas industry. And when the three commissioners campaign, they turn to the companies they regulate to fill up their war chests."

Mike Soraghan reports for Greenwire December 9, 2011.

Source: Greenwire, 12/12/2011


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