
"EPA: Revived Photo Collection Shows America During Agency's Infancy"

EPA's "Documerica" photo archive, suppressed by the Reagan administration and forgotten for years, is being revived. It provides a stunning series of "before" pictures as a context in which to place the pollution control now under assault by Republicans. And it offers cash-strapped journalists a treasure-trove of copyright-free graphics.

Source: Greenwire, 01/19/2012

"Post-Huntsman, Climate May Pose Perils For GOP"

"So much for embracing climate science as a Republican presidential candidate in 2012. The demise of Jon Huntsman's White House hopes leaves GOP climate moderates without a champion in the remaining Republican field, especially given front-runner Mitt Romney’s efforts to convince global warming skeptics that he’s one of them. And that raises questions about how the party’s eventual nominee will fare with science-minded voters against President Barack Obama in November."

Source: Politico, 01/19/2012


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