
"Mad Cow Strain Found in Tulare County Mysterious"

"Federal officials have been quick to reassure the public that there is no health threat from the mad cow disease discovered in the carcass of a Tulare County dairy cow. But there is a lot they don't know about the type of infection in that carcass -- including how the cow got the disease, how long it was ill, and the risk to the public if that strain gets into the food supply."

Source: Fresno Bee, 04/30/2012

CAMEL (Climate, Adaptation, Mitigation, E-Learning) Project

CAMEL is a free, comprehensive, interdisciplinary, multimedia resource with over 200 topic areas for educators who wish to teach, create and share curricular resources on climate change. Register for weekly webinars on specific topics or view recordings of past webinars. Funded by NSF.

May 1, 2012

Two CAMEL (Climate, Adaptation, Mitigation, E-Learning) Webinars

NASA Time Machine Visualization on May 1st will introduce you to exciting resources for teaching about climate change science and solutions that are located on the CAMEL web portal.



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