
"Chikungunya Disease In NYC? Warming Could Make It Happen"

"NEW YORK -- The name of the disease, chikungunya, means 'that which bends' in an African language, and it describes the posture of its victims, bent over by severe joint pain. Once a sporadic problem in Africa and Asia, this viral disease has been expanding its range since 2004, even spreading within Italy. And, with some help from global warming, New York City could be next, Laura Harrington, a medical entomologist at Cornell University warned on Tuesday here at Cornell."

Source: LiveScience, 05/10/2012

Enviros File FOIA Suit Seeking Details About White House EPA Meetings

"The Environmental Integrity Project filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit Tuesday seeking details about dozens of White House meetings with interest groups to discuss Environmental Protection Agency regulations. The non-profit group, which advocates for the enforcement of environmental rules, filed the lawsuit after receiving no response from the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) to a January FOIA request seeking more details on the meetings."

Source: E2 Wire, 05/10/2012

"Chemical Industry Lobbyists Keep Stronger Oversight Plan at Bay"

"With efforts to revamp the nation's chemical safety law stalled in Congress, the Obama administration's top environmental regulator vowed three years ago to act on her own to beef up the oversight of toxic substances. But key parts of the initiative by Lisa Jackson, the administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, are still bottled up in an obscure White House office under intense pressure from industry lobbyists to back off."

Source: Chicago Tribune, 05/10/2012
May 16, 2012

Sustainability and Certification Impacts

To air the evidence that sustainability certification is achieving its goals, the Rainforest Alliance presents this daylong workshop in New York where leading executives, producers and sustainability experts from around the world will gather to share and contextualize current data on diverse impacts of the sustainability certification movement. Journalists and bloggers are invited to attend and cover.


"AP Exclusive: Wyoming Got EPA To Delay Frack Finding"

"CHEYENNE, Wyo. -- Wyoming's governor persuaded the head of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to postpone an announcement linking hydraulic fracturing to groundwater contamination, giving state officials -- whom the EPA had privately briefed on the study -- time to attempt to debunk the finding before it rocked the oil and gas industry more than a month later, an investigation by The Associated Press has found."

Source: AP, 05/09/2012

"Big Tobacco Wins Fire Marshals as Allies in Flame Retardant Push"

"The problem facing cigarette manufacturers decades ago involved tragic deaths and bad publicity, but it had nothing to do with cancer. It had to do with house fires. Smoldering cigarettes were sparking fires and killing people. And tobacco executives didn't care for one obvious solution: create a 'fire-safe' cigarette, one less likely to start a blaze."

Source: Chicago Tribune, 05/09/2012


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