
"Environmental Groups Cut Programs as Funding Shifts to Climate Change"

"The Natural Resources Defense Council is eliminating its longstanding program promoting nuclear safety and cleanup as donors focus on the climate crisis." "A significant shift in donor contributions to nonprofits fighting climate change in recent years has left some of the nation’s biggest environmental organizations facing critical shortfalls in programs on toxic chemicals, radioactive contamination and wildlife protection."

Source: NYTimes, 11/09/2023

Farm Bill Faces Battle As GOP Pushes To Strip Climate, SNAP Funding

"Congress appears unlikely to pass a new farm bill by the end of this year amid standoffs over Republicans’ push to extend subsidies to three specific Southern crops — at the potential cost of billions in both food aid and popular farm conservation programs."

Source: The Hill, 11/09/2023

Fossil Fuel Interests Have Large, Often Murky, Presence At Climate Talks

"The badges said they were there to participate in negotiations to curb climate change. They stated affiliations like the government of Brazil, Indigenous organi"zations of the Amazon, the Climate Registry. But in reality, the livelihoods of these participants were more aligned with what’s keeping the problem going: fossil fuels."

Source: AP, 11/09/2023

As Paradise, California, Rebuilds, Nobody Can Afford Home Insurance

"The soaring cost of home insurance has consumed the town of Paradise, residents and officials say, as it prepares to commemorate the five-year anniversary of the Nov. 8, 2018, Camp Fire. Residents have received annual premiums that near or exceed $10,000 — leaving many to wonder how they’re supposed to rebuild their hard-hit community when insurance is so shockingly high for houses in an area that is supposed to be among the most affordable in California."

Source: AP, 11/08/2023

Baltimore, Maryland Dept. of Environment Settle Lawsuits Over Sewage Plants

"Environmental advocates hope an agreement negotiated earlier this month by Baltimore City, the state Department of the Environment and the nonprofit Blue Water Baltimore to upgrade the city’s two wastewater treatment plants will help meet the state’s Chesapeake Bay restoration goals."

Source: Inside Climate News, 11/08/2023


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