
"The Clean Energy Backlog Barely Budged This Year. What’s The Way Forward?"

"When it comes to the existentially important process of connecting new clean energy to the grid, 2023 is ending much as it began: in a literal gridlock." "It takes way too long to connect new solar, wind and batteries to the grid. Policy fixes are needed, but they move slowly — in the meantime, new tech could help."


Source: Canary Media, 12/19/2023

Want To Protect Your Sources? It Helps To Know the Law

With climate-related legal disputes playing out worldwide, we could see more environmental journalists facing subpoenas to access their newsgathering materials and reveal their sources. Case in point: the legal battle embroiling a news nonprofit over its coverage of pipeline protests. The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press’ Chris Young looks at shield laws and resources to help deal with legal threats to your journalistic integrity.

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#SEJSpotlight: Angela Rowlings, Independent Photojournalist; SEJ Board Member

Meet SEJ board member Angela Rowlings! Angela is an independent photojournalist based in Boston, Mass. and Prince Edward Island, Canada. She reports on climate, culture, politics, immigration and human rights issues, and produces long-form visual essays in Boston, Canada and Latin America.

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Help SEJ Support Journalists Like Bobby Magill

Bobby Magill is a journalist covering water, public lands and the Interior Department for Bloomberg Law in Washington, D.C. His work focuses on climate change and legal battles over the Clean Water Act, Safe Drinking Water Act, water supplies, oil and gas leasing, endangered species and other federal lands issues. You can help support journalists like Bobby by giving to SEJ programs, Fund for Environmental Journalism, annual conference diversity travel fellowships, members-in-need fund or creating a legacy with a free will.

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