
February 28, 2024

Coppell Sustainability Summit

This free event, hosted by the Coppell Eco Club in Coppell, Texas, 6:00-8:30 p.m., is aimed at creating change at a city-wide and political level to become more environmentally-conscious. RSVP now for a fun night of movies, free food and exceptional speakers.


"The Plastics Industry Would Like A Word With Your Kids"

"Wearing a lab coat, Eve Vitale asked a chemistry class at Warren Mott High School if anyone had heard anything bad about plastics. Hands shot up. It doesn’t degrade, said one student. It hurts the environment, said another. But “that’s not really the plastic’s fault,” said Vitale, chief executive of the Society of Plastics Engineers Foundation, a group of industry professionals. “That’s the fault of humanity.”"

Source: Washington Post, 02/15/2024

"Global Warming Could Drive Locust Outbreaks into New Regions, Study Warns"

"A study published today in Science Advances suggests that, if global warming isn’t curbed, west India and west central Asia could become locust hotspots in the decades ahead, raising new challenges for control efforts, and further threatening food security and livelihoods in already vulnerable regions."

Source: Inside Climate News, 02/15/2024

Giant Baytown Refinery Complex Wants To Expand Amid Community Backlash

"Exxon’s Baytown complex in the Houston-area has the third largest oil refinery in the U.S. and is requesting permit renewal for its olefins plant despite repeated violations to the Clean Air Act."

Source: EHN, 02/15/2024


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