
"Exclusive: Mexico's Pemex Put Off Repairs Despite Vast Methane Leak"

"Mexican state energy company Pemex put off urgent repairs and maintenance at an important offshore platform for months, resulting in methane spewing into the atmosphere, according to internal documents and three sources familiar with the infrastructure."

Source: Reuters, 03/25/2024

Warm, Dry Spring Has US Forecasters Worried About Upcoming Wildfire Season

"Most of the United States is expected to see warmer-than-average temperatures this spring, federal forecasters say, with dry conditions likely in the West. That's raising concerns about wildfires, especially in parts of the Southwest, Great Plains, and the Upper Mississippi River Valley, said Jon Gottschalck, operations branch chief at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Climate Prediction Center."

Source: NPR, 03/25/2024

"Nations Are Undercounting Emissions, Putting UN Goals at Risk"

"Because of lax rules, national inventories reported to the United Nations grossly underestimate many countries’ greenhouse gas emissions. The result, analysts say, is that the world can not verify compliance with agreed emissions targets, jeopardizing global climate agreements."

Source: YaleE360, 03/25/2024

Finding Your Way Through the Forest of Forest Data

Forests are full of environmental stories, from timber sales and wildlife habitat to climate change and hunting. And for reporters in search of resources to report them, the U.S. Forest Service offers an immense array of datasets to match the hundreds of millions of acres of land under its domain. The latest Reporter’s Toolbox gets you started on using the vast Forest Service data collection.

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"Dunes Aren’t Just Big Piles Of Sand. Here’s Why Earth Needs Them."

"The famed coastal dunes that inspired the shifting sand landscape of the desert planet Arrakis in Frank Herbert’s science fiction novel “Dune” are also under siege — from climate change and human development."

Source: Washington Post, 03/22/2024


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