
January 14, 2025

DEADLINE: Third Coast Audio Competition

The newly independent Third Coast Competition welcomes the most diverse array of audio stories possible, in any language, from anywhere in the world, providing affordable rates for all through a Collective Pricing Model. 2025 deadlines: Jan 14 (earlybird); Feb 20 (regular); Mar 20, 2025 (final).

Topics on the Beat: 

USFWS Adopts Lynx Recovery Plan, Proposes New Critical Habitat Designations

"The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service last week finalized a recovery plan for Canada lynx, a species listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act, and proposed new critical habitat designations to increase federal protections for the winter-adept felines in some areas. "

Source: Daily Montanan, 12/04/2024

"Monarch Butterflies May Soon Get Protections Under Endangered Species Act"

"Monarch populations have plummeted due to habitat loss, pesticide use and climate change. Eastern monarch populations that migrate between Canada and overwintering sites in Mexico are estimated to have declined by more than 80 percent since the 1990s."

Source: NPR, 12/04/2024

"Biden Pushes Out Over $100 Billion in Clean Energy Grants as Term Winds Down"

"U.S. President Joe Biden's administration has awarded over $100 billion in grants created by its signature climate law, the Inflation Reduction Act, Biden senior advisor for international climate policy John Podesta said."

Source: Reuters, 12/04/2024

Study Links Higher PFAS Levels To ‘Superfund’ Sites, Low Fresh-Food Access

"New research aimed at identifying which US neighborhoods face increased exposure to toxic PFAS “forever chemicals” found those living near “superfund” sites and other major industrial polluters, or in areas with limited access to fresh food, generally have higher levels of the dangerous compounds in their blood."

Source: Guardian, 12/04/2024


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