
Despite Economy, Carbon Dioxide Keeps Piling Up in the Atmosphere

"Levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere reached their annual peak last month, and once again were the highest in human history. Despite the economic collapse resulting from the coronavirus pandemic, which has led to sharp declines in carbon dioxide emissions, the amount of the greenhouse gas has continued to climb."

Source: NYTimes, 06/08/2020

Cristobal Makes Landfall. So What's Next? Heavy Rain Still A Big Threat

"A slow-moving Tropical Storm Cristobal made landfall just east of Grand Isle at 5 p.m. Sunday as it moved slowly north at 7 mph, guaranteeing more time for its outer bands to rake the Louisiana coastline with heavy rain and tropical storm-force winds and for its storm surge to push ashore."

Source: New Orleans Times-Picayune, 06/08/2020

Trump Lifts Limits On Commercial Fishing At New England Ocean Sanctuary

"President Trump signed a proclamation Friday that opened the Atlantic Ocean’s only fully protected marine sanctuary to commercial fishing, dismissing arguments that crab traps, fishing nets and lines dangling hooks can harm fish and whales."

Source: Washington Post, 06/08/2020

"Global CO2 Measurement Hits Record High In May Despite Pandemic"

"A key measure of carbon dioxide emissions in the Earth’s atmosphere hit a record in May even as a global pandemic brought the world’s economies to a virtual standstill this year, according to U.S. government data published on Thursday."

Source: Reuters, 06/05/2020


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