
Covid Cases Rose By 50% In June, Led By States That Reopened First

"Coronavirus infections in the United States surged nearly 50 percent in June as states relaxed quarantine rules and tried to reopen their economies, data compiled Wednesday showed, and several states moved to reimpose restrictions on bars and recreation."

Source: Washington Post, 07/02/2020

"Grassley Backs Plan To Block EPA Nomination Over Biofuel Waivers"

"U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley said on Tuesday he supported a plan by one of his Senate colleagues to block the nomination of an Environmental Protection Agency official until the agency makes clear how it would handle requests from oil refiners for retroactive exemptions from their biofuel blending mandates."

Source: Reuters, 07/01/2020

Watchdog: EPA Hasn't Justified Failure To Recover Pruitt Travel Spending

"An internal watchdog said Tuesday that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) hasn’t provided a good explanation for its decision not to recover travel expenses from former Administrator Scott Pruitt that were found to be improper."

Source: The Hill, 07/01/2020

"Federal Agency Tells Employees 'No Reference To Anything COVID Related'"

"A federal fisheries management agency has barred some of its employees from making formal references to the COVID-19 pandemic without preapproval from leadership, according to an internal agency document."

Source: NPR, 07/01/2020

"New Hampshire House Passes Tough Drinking Water Standards"

"The New Hampshire House passed a bill Tuesday that would put into law some of country’s toughest drinking water standards for a group of toxic chemicals and provides tens of millions of dollars to help communities in the state meet the rules."

Source: AP, 07/01/2020


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