
July 14, 2020

Taiwan: Its Role in WHO, China and Global Policy

Join International Community Radio Taipei for a virtual discussion (English language) on how Taiwan has moved from a dictatorship to a democracy with freedom of press, speech and assembly; how Taiwan fits in with the international fight against COVID-19; how the people and government in Taiwan are reacting to the crackdown on civic freedoms in Hong Kong; and the importance of Taiwan's relations with the United States and China.


"Michigan, EPA Announce Plan To Clean Up ‘Green Ooze’ Site"

"DETROIT — Groundwater contamination at the former Electro-Plating services facility that was determined to be the source of a green ooze leak last year will be treated by injecting chemicals into the soil and treating the contaminants in place."

Source: AP, 07/02/2020

"Public Still Needs Details on EPA Enforcement Policy, Groups Say"

"The public deserves to know which companies have taken advantage of the EPA’s relaxed pandemic-era enforcement policy, even as the agency starts to wind down the approach, environmental lawyers told a federal court."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 07/02/2020

House Sends $1.5T Infrastructure Bill To Senate, Where Odds Are Poor

"The House Wednesday passed a climate-friendly infrastructure bill with $1.5 trillion for everything from roads to broadband that has little chance of being signed into law as written, but is destined to play a starring role in rhetoric and talking points for both parties in the run-up to the presidential election."

Source: Politico, 07/02/2020


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