"17 Native Candidates In Alaska And Wyoming Primaries"
"At least 17 Native candidates running for Congress, state legislature and other offices in Alaska and Wyoming will have their primary elections Tuesday."
"At least 17 Native candidates running for Congress, state legislature and other offices in Alaska and Wyoming will have their primary elections Tuesday."
"Mink at two Utah fur farms have tested positive for the virus that causes covid-19 in humans, the Department of Agriculture said Monday, announcing the first U.S. cases in a species that has been widely culled in Europe following outbreaks there."
"Climate change is already leaving Southeast cities swamped. Experts from the Southern Environmental Law Center explain how communities are planning for a wetter future."
"A new analysis from Climate Central shows that the U.S. will see a shocking 59% increase in home air conditioning use over the next 30 years."
"Bluefin tuna are a luxury that feeds the egos of many, the bellies of few. Inside a Canadian fishery that pursues them."
"The century began with a great deal of optimism around marine protected areas as tools to protect the oceans. Two decades later, conservation goals and fishing interests remain at odds."
"California on Monday finalized a legal settlement with four of the world’s largest automakers that binds them to comply with its stringent state-level fuel efficiency standards that would cut down on climate-warming tailpipe emissions."
"The Trump administration finalized plans Monday to open up the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to drilling, a move that will auction off oil and gas rights in the heart of one of the nation’s most iconic wild places. Achieving a goal Republicans have sought for 40 years, it marks a capstone for an administration that has ignored calls to reduce fossil fuel consumption in the face of climate change."
"It is not just at sea that North America’s smallest marine mammals with a huge appetite are benefitting the ecosystem"
"The grounded Japanese ship that leaked tons of oil near protected areas off the Indian Ocean island nation of Mauritius has split apart, officials said Saturday, with remaining fuel spreading into the turquoise waters."