
Interior Watchdog: Top Officials Misled Congress on BLM Move to West

"Top Interior Department officials misled Congress when they claimed high office rent in Washington, D.C., was a factor in the need to move the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to a new headquarters in Colorado, the agency’s internal watchdog found."

Source: The Hill, 09/02/2020

Greens, Progressives, Youth Help Markey Beat Kennedy in Senate Primary

"Sen. Ed Markey (D-MA) has won his primary, successfully holding off a challenge from Rep. Joe Kennedy, a scion of the famous Massachusetts political family. Markey, a longtime US lawmaker, is known for being a stalwart champion of environmental policy including cosponsoring the Green New Deal, as well as landmark House legislation on cap and trade 11 years ago."

Source: Vox, 09/02/2020

"EPA: Pruitt's Phone Booth Revealed

"It's not much — white exterior walls, a chair and office phone inside, behind a door the EPA administrator could close behind himself. A photo obtained by E&E News under the Freedom of Information Act shows the secure phone booth EPA installed for then-Administrator Scott Pruitt."

Source: E&E News, 09/01/2020

Feds To Ship Toxic Radioactive Metal Out of SC After Years Of Disputes

"The U.S. Department of Energy, after years of legal disputes with South Carolina officials, says it will haul away tons of deadly atomic material it had shipped to the Palmetto State for use in a nuclear fuel factory that was never built."

Source: The State, 09/01/2020

"EPA: Provocative Enforcement Chief Finds 'Few Friends'"

"EPA's controversial coronavirus enforcement policy ends today as the pandemic continues to rage across the country. Critics blasted enforcement chief Susan Bodine when she issued the March 26 policy, which signaled laxer enforcement of pollution rules during the pandemic."

Source: E&E News, 09/01/2020


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