
When Is “Recyclable” Not Really Recyclable? Don't Ask the Plastics Industry

"Companies whose futures depend on plastic production are trying to persuade the federal government to allow them to put the label “recyclable” on plastic shopping bags and other items virtually guaranteed to end up in landfills and incinerators."

Source: ProPublica, 08/16/2024

"Plastic Pellets Known As “Nurdles” Are Accumulating Along Texas Coasts"

"On a humid summer afternoon in July, about 40 minutes from Houston, children are running up and down the Texas coastline of Sylvan Beach. Families make camps for the day with coolers filled with drinks and snacks. It doesn’t take more than a few steps near the shore to realize plastics have overtaken the beach."

Source: EHN, 08/16/2024

California Cuts Safety Enforcement As Farmworkers Toil In Extreme Heat

"California has sharply cut its enforcement of heat-protection laws for outdoor laborers while extreme heat has intensified in recent years — endangering farmworkers, construction workers and others who toil in scorching temperatures — an investigation by the Los Angeles Times and Capital & Main has found."

Source: LA Times, 08/16/2024

"Shell Oil Non-Profit Donated To Anti-Climate Groups Behind Project 2025"

"A US foundation associated with the oil company Shell has donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to religious right and conservative organizations, many of which deny that climate change is a crisis, tax records reveal."

Source: Guardian, 08/16/2024

Marcus Haraldsson — SEJ Board Candidate 2024

"I’m a Swedish freelance journalist and photographer working globally at the intersection of science, environment and human rights. I just moved from Sweden to New York to live with my wife, and have so far been impressed with SEJ. The openness, transparency, curiosity and community seem genuine. I would love to support any way I can."

Topics on the Beat: 
November 14, 2024

European Anti-SLAPP Conference

In Strasbourg, France, the Coalition Against SLAPPs in Europe (CASE), the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF) and the Council of Europe will host their second European Anti-SLAPP Conference as a hybrid event.

Topics on the Beat: 

Protecting Ecologically Rich Alabama Delta From Development, Climate Change

"The Mobile-Tensaw Delta — a lush, vibrant and surprisingly intact over 400-square-mile (1,036-square-kilometer) expanse of cypress swamps, oxbow lakes, marshland, hardwood stands and rivers — is teeming with more aquatic species than almost anywhere in North America."

Source: AP, 08/15/2024


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