
March 29, 2021

Reporting on Tropical Forest Carbon

Join the the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication and the Pulitzer Center for Crisis Reporting for a Noon - 1pm ET conversation with three journalists (including SEJ members Daniel Grossman and Dado Galdieri) who have reported on the promise and perils of tropical forest carbon projects.


SEJ Calls on President Biden To Hold Saudi Government Accountable for Khashoggi Murder

March 24, 2021 — The Society of Environmental Journalists wrote to President Biden, calling on him to keep his campaign promise to speak out publicly against the murder of the Saudi Arabian journalist and Washington Post columnist, Jamal Khashoggi. Full text of the letter.

Topics on the Beat: 

"Politics: Republicans Won't 'Take The Bait' On Infrastructure"

"Top congressional Republicans are warning Democrats against splitting up the upcoming infrastructure package, raising new doubts for the prospects of bipartisan cooperation on a top Biden priority in the months ahead."

Source: E&E News, 03/25/2021

"Conservationists Sue To Save Spotted Owl Logging Protections"

" Environmental groups have filed a lawsuit seeking to preserve protections for 3.4 million acres (1.4 million hectares) of northern spotted owl habitat from the US-Canada border to northern California, the latest salvo in a legal battle over logging in federal old-growth forests that are key nesting grounds for the imperiled species."

Source: AP, 03/25/2021

Line 3: "Need For Disputed Pipeline Argued In Minnesota Appeals Court"

"MINNEAPOLIS — The Minnesota Court of Appeals on Tuesday heard arguments over Enbridge Energy’s Line 3 replacement project in northern Minnesota, which opponents are calling unnecessary due to an eventual decline in the demand for oil.

Source: AP, 03/25/2021


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