
April 14, 2021

Climate and Gender Justice: Addressing the Climate Crisis with an Intersectional Feminist Approach

Join 1014 and the Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy for a discussion about gendered and racialized inequalities of the climate crisis with Natalia Cardona Sanchez and Leonie Bremer; and moderated by Kristina Lunz. 12pm ET.


Banks Pledge Climate Fight, But Their Boards Have Deep Fossil-Fuel Ties

"US banks are pledging to help fight the climate crisis alongside the Biden administration, but their boards are dominated by people with climate-related conflicts of interest, and they continue to invest deeply in fossil fuel projects."

Source: Guardian, 04/08/2021
April 15, 2021

Science Sources: Where to Find Them and How to Vet Them

KSJ Science Editing Handbook, a project of the Knight Science Journalism Fellowship at MIT, invites you to develop science editing skills through this companion webinar series. First webinar: “Experts” are everywhere, who are the best people to include in science coverage? Learn how to hear from the best, still find different points of view and ensure equity, diversity and inclusion among sources. 1-2:30pm ET.


"In Europe, a Backlash Is Growing Over Incinerating Garbage"

"For years, European countries have built “waste-to-energy” incinerators, saying new technology minimized pollution and boosted energy production. But with increasing concern about the plants’ CO2 emissions, the EU is now withdrawing support for these trash-burning facilities."

Source: YaleE360, 04/08/2021

Republicans Mobilize For Showdown To Block Biden Infrastructure Plan

"A defining political clash took shape Sunday over Joe Biden's latest effort to reshape the US economy, with Republicans mobilizing against a massive infrastructure plan that could put the President in historic Democratic company."

Source: CNN, 04/08/2021


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