
April 15, 2021

Water Insecurity During the Pandemic: What it Means for People Living in Poverty

Join for a discussion on the global water crisis and health implications for the poor, including solutions to help meet the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 6, clean water and sanitation for all, and what journalists can do to help cover this issue. 10am ET.

September 23, 2021

The Fundamentals of Science, from Funding to Publishing

KSJ Science Editing Handbook, a project of the Knight Science Journalism Fellowship at MIT, invites you to develop science editing skills through this companion webinar series. Sixth webinar: Learn the basic principles of funding, research and publishing: how they work, the way they shape science and how to use this understanding to better inform the public. 1-2:30pm ET.

August 26, 2021

Using Social Media to Source and Spread Science Journalism

KSJ Science Editing Handbook, a project of the Knight Science Journalism Fellowship at MIT, invites you to develop science editing skills through this companion webinar series. Fifth webinar: Learn how to mine social media for ideas and then use the platforms to promote your stories and engage readers. 1-2:30pm ET.

July 15, 2021

Editing Controversial and “Controversial” Science

KSJ Science Editing Handbook, a project of the Knight Science Journalism Fellowship at MIT, invites you to develop science editing skills through this companion webinar series. Fourth webinar: Learn how to tell the difference between types of scientific controversies and how to responsibly convey that to your audience. 1-2:30pm ET.

June 17, 2021

Covering Health Care — Covid and Beyond

KSJ Science Editing Handbook, a project of the Knight Science Journalism Fellowship at MIT, invites you to develop science editing skills through this companion webinar series. Third webinar: From studies to nutrition to vaccines, learn how to inoculate your health coverage from manipulation, misunderstanding or downright misinformation. 1-2:30pm ET.

May 20, 2021

Covering Climate and the Environment

KSJ Science Editing Handbook, a project of the Knight Science Journalism Fellowship at MIT, invites you to develop science editing skills through this companion webinar series. Second webinar: Learn how to help readers understand ways in which humanity plays a role not only in the problem, but also in the solution, and how your journalism can make a difference. 1-2:30pm ET.



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