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"Biden Begins Crackdown On Power Plant Pollution"

"Biden administration officials are kicking off a crackdown on power plant pollution, aiming to shift the nation’s electricity supply to cleaner energy in the face of congressional resistance and a Supreme Court that could limit the federal government’s ability to tighten public health standards."

Source: Washington Post, 02/01/2022

2022 Journalists’ Guide to Energy & Environment

Join us Feb 9 for the Society of Environmental Journalists' 10th annual look ahead at the year's key energy and environmental issues, moderated by #SEJ2022 co-chair and ProPublica/Texas Tribune Investigative Unit's Perla Trevizo. 1:00-2:30 p.m. ET. Advance registration required.

"Deadly Colorado Blaze Renews Focus On Underground Coal Fires"

"A fire raging in an underground Colorado coal field in 1883 sent so much smoke pouring from cracks in the ground that the scene was likened to burning volcanoes and the state’s first mining inspector deemed the blaze “impossible to extinguish.”

Source: AP, 01/31/2022

"Mexican Town Protects Forest From Avocado Growers, Cartels"

"Regular citizens have taken the fight against illegal logging into their own hands in the pine-covered mountains of western Mexico, where loggers clear entire hillsides for avocado plantations that drain local water supplies and draw drug cartels hungry for extortion money."

Source: AP, 01/31/2022
