"The Search for What’s Harming Florida’s Beloved Bonefish"
"If you think it’s not our fault, urine denial."
"If you think it’s not our fault, urine denial."
"Peacocks may lose their legally mandated welcome in some neighborhoods across Miami-Dade after county commissioners agreed to loosen a law protecting the divisive birds."
"Millions of trees are being planted beside Scotland’s remotest rivers and streams to protect wild salmon from the worst effects of climate heating."
"Ammonia has been widely used as a fertilizer for the last century. Now, using renewable energy and a new method for making ammonia, researchers and entrepreneurs believe “green” ammonia can become a significant clean fuel source for generating electricity and powering ships."
"Extreme heat in the world’s oceans passed the “point of no return” in 2014 and has become the new normal, according to research."
"Workers on a former nuclear weapons production site have started the first large-scale treatment of radioactive and chemical wastes from large underground storage tanks, a key milestone in cleaning up the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, the U.S. Department of Energy said Wednesday."
"Three federal agencies promised Wednesday to help modernize Puerto Rico’s outage-plagued power grid and speed up efforts to strengthen it more than four years after Hurricane Maria razed it."
"While world leaders have vowed to scale back the use of fossil fuels to help keep a lid on global warming, a drastic upheaval in the markets for oil, natural gas and coal could complicate the shift toward cleaner sources of energy."
"The Environmental Protection Agency warns Postmaster General Louis DeJoy to halt his plan to replace the aging delivery fleet with thousands of gas-powered vehicles."
"The Biden administration launched a last-minute push Wednesday to derail the U.S. Postal Service’s plan to spend billions of dollars on a new fleet of gasoline-powered delivery trucks, citing the damage the polluting vehicles could inflict on the climate and Americans’ health.
This year-long experience, a collaboration between the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication (YPCCC), The OpEd Project and Ann MacDougall, will convene a cohort of 20 U.S. climate change thought leaders, the majority of whom will be women and people of color. Apply by Feb 14, 2022.