"Feds Propose Protection For A Texas Border Plant"
"The Fish and Wildlife Service today [Monday] proposed Endangered Species Act protections for the prostrate milkweed, a plant found in Texas that’s been awaiting action for quite some time."
"The Fish and Wildlife Service today [Monday] proposed Endangered Species Act protections for the prostrate milkweed, a plant found in Texas that’s been awaiting action for quite some time."
"A longtime friend of the West Virginia senator has a growing lobbying business in Washington as companies seek to understand and influence the key lawmaker".
"A city commissioner race in Florida provides a window into how the sugar industry cultivates political allies, who help protect its interests."
"Pollution by states and companies is contributing to more deaths globally than COVID-19, a U.N. environmental report published on Tuesday said, calling for "immediate and ambitious action" to ban some toxic chemicals."
"The province of Alberta will toughen its greenhouse gas emissions standards for oil sands mines, closing a loophole that rewarded some of Canada’s highest-emitting facilities with millions of dollars’ worth of tradeable credits, its environment ministry told Reuters."
"If a scientific opinion recently proposed by European officials is upheld, the recommended daily dose of bisphenol-A, or BPA, in Europe will be more than a million-fold lower than what U.S. regulators say is safe."
"Corn-based ethanol, which for years has been mixed in huge quantities into gasoline sold at U.S. pumps, is likely a much bigger contributor to global warming than straight gasoline, according to a study published Monday."
"A judge on Monday said he will dismiss Sarah Palin’s libel case against the New York Times, saying she had not met the legal standard showing that the newspaper acted with “actual malice” in publishing a 2017 editorial that included an inaccurate claim about her."
"The extreme dryness that has ravaged the American West for more than two decades now ranks as the driest 22-year period in at least 1,200 years, and scientists have found that this megadrought is being intensified by humanity’s heating of the planet."
About Public Health Watch
Public Health Watch is a nonprofit, nonpartisan investigative news organization founded in 2021. We illuminate weaknesses and injustices in the nation’s health infrastructure and policies, expose inequities and highlight solutions. Based in Austin but national in scope, we collaborate with media outlets large and small, and college journalism and public health programs. Our aim is to uncover truths that hold institutions and individuals accountable and compel change.
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