"White House Takes Aim at Environmental Racism, but Won’t Mention Race"
"Communities of color bear a disproportionate burden from pollution, research shows. But using race to allocate federal help could result in legal problems."
"Communities of color bear a disproportionate burden from pollution, research shows. But using race to allocate federal help could result in legal problems."
"Republicans today blocked the nomination of Sarah Bloom Raskin and several other Federal Reserve nominees, creating confirmation chaos for the pro-climate bank regulator pick in what Democrats labeled a “smear campaign.”"
"A new initiative aims to reduce emissions from steel, cement, aluminum and other materials used in the industrial sector, which generates about a third of the nation’s greenhouse gases."
"WASHINGTON — The Biden administration on Tuesday will set out a strategy for buying “clean,” lower-emissions steel, cement, aluminum and other industrial materials for federal agencies and projects, part of its effort to reduce carbon emissions from industrial manufacturing.
"With two Biden appointees, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is more likely to favor Democrats, who want it to respond to the booming demand for renewable energy."
"Eager to show benefits from his policies, President Joe Biden is overstating the number of electric vehicle charging stations that would be built with his infrastructure law and claiming a speedy shift to electric in the federal fleet that isn’t so."
"After a HuffPost investigation last year brought to light a vast, decades-old chemical dumping ground in the Gulf of Mexico, the Environmental Protection Agency has officially declared that the site is nothing to worry about ― without reviewing any recent scientific data or visiting the site."
"America’s coastline will see sea levels rise in the next 30 years by as much as they did in the entire 20th century, with major Eastern cities hit regularly with costly floods even on sunny days, a government report warns."
"The Biden administration is restoring the state’s power to set its own limits on tailpipe pollution and is largely adopting the state’s rules regarding heavy trucks."
"The spread of misinformation about solar and wind energy is leading some states and counties to restrict or even reject projects. The Energy Department calls it a key threat to decarbonizing the grid."
"The Fish and Wildlife Service today [Monday] proposed Endangered Species Act protections for the prostrate milkweed, a plant found in Texas that’s been awaiting action for quite some time."