Search results

"AP Analysis Finds Growing Number Of Poor, High-Hazard Dams"

"Constructed four generations ago, the massive rock and clay dam at El Capitan Reservoir is capable of storing over 36 billion gallons of water, enough to supply every resident in San Diego for most of a year. Today, it’s three-quarters empty, intentionally kept low because of concerns it could fail under the strain of too much water."

Source: AP, 05/06/2022

#SEJSpotlight: Justin Cook, Freelance Photographer

Meet SEJ member Justin Cook! Justin is based in Durham, North Carolina but works everywhere. His long-term photographic essays tell stories about resiliency in communities living along the edges in America, often by focusing on environmental issues and climate change. He believes storytelling that not only shines light on these issues, but also investigates solutions, is crucial to social change.

"What Are Millets And Can They Help Create Global Food Security?"

"The Russian invasion of Ukraine has pushed food insecurity onto the table. Could an overlooked cereal help steady the situation and feed the global population in an era of climate crisis?" "Overlooked by much of the world, millets are not only nutritious but grow fast and can survive in dry conditions".

Source: DW, 05/05/2022

Floods Threaten N. Dakota Dam, Border Area

"The North Dakota National Guard is placing sandbags downstream of the Bourbanis Dam in eastern Cavalier County, west of Cavalier, North Dakota, which the Cavalier County Sheriff's Department says is in danger of rupturing."

Source: Grand Forks Herald, 05/05/2022

"In the Wake of Coup, Gold Mining Boom Is Ravaging Myanmar"

"With a military junta retaking power last year, a gold rush is increasingly despoiling rivers in the Myanmar state of Kachin, polluting water with mercury, destroying riverbanks and farmland, and disrupting the traditional way of life of the region’s ethnic groups."

Source: YaleE360, 05/05/2022
